Target of the Sales Pitch!

I’m used to this at work and ignore all of them!   I know what I need.  I know what I don’t need and  I know when I’m being conned!  In fact I feel sorry for the cold callers who have to suffer my chirpy, negative responses to their calls (if they actually manage to infiltrate themselves past my Receptionist!).

My dilemma at the moment is what should I do next once I’ve completed my NLP Practitioners’ Course in March.

As I’ve been making enquiries around I am getting ‘offers’ for courses. The “Don’t miss this fantastic chance”, “Sign up now for a discount” etc.

I am well aware that NLP is not the be all and end all of becoming a coach.  I’ll need other tools, in fact as many tools as I can get.

So do I go for:

  •  Ericksonian Hypnosis – a 4 day course,
  • The just offered Strategic Intervention Course with its masses of bonuses, one-to-one calls, discounts  and special offers  all conducted on-line, Very tempting!  But a fairly hefty investment
  • a Thinking Environment Course,
  • EFT………


The trouble is I want to know it all.  I want to know it all NOW and I wish I could wake up one morning and find I do!!

Don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying the reading and the learning.  It’s just all these courses look very appealing.   Some are asking for instant sign up.  And I have no idea what to do next. And because I don’t know enough I don’t know if I’m being lured in by a sales pitch which is full of razamataz and not worth the cost.

And you, dear reader, probably can’t help me!!

Doing what feels right for me is OK – up to a point!!  All the above feel right. But just because they feel right, as in topics, doesn’t mean what’s being offered is the right way to learn!!

I have a sum in my mind that I’ve allocated to my training, and I can afford all the above (just) but that doesn’t mean they all could be giving me the best route and the best results!

11 thoughts on “Target of the Sales Pitch!

  1. What kind of coach do you want to be?
    Who do you want to help?
    What problems do they have?
    What tools do you need to be successful in helping them?

    You see the goal is to understand the goal and then match the resourses. Get the basics right and then develop a bigger set of tools and even develop your own which is what I now do.

    For example you could be a coach for men and women of your age (+-10 years) who have just divorced.

    What do they need?
    What problems do they have?

    You already have the skills today to help these people, because you went through it.
    This way you could do your first course, set up a local practice.

    Help people with the simple stuff and grow your skills later, you have lots of support around for complicated issues so the only thing holding you back would be fear…

    So do the course first set up your practice then decide then additional skills you need…

    • I want to help people who are going through what I’ve been through.

      I also want to help people build their confidence in themselves. To help them find who they are supposed to be. To help them achieve their potential. To bring more meaning to their lives. Does that make sense?

      And yes you’re right there is an element of fear floating around that I need to know more first!!

          • Yes and you will be a wonderful coach.

            Right now there is a fear and you believe that fear will be gone if you learn everything.

            I learn something new everyday and once a very long time ago I knew a fraction of what I know today and I had my first coaching session.

            All the greats were not great when they started but their desire be amazing meant they were.

            Your belief in your clients ability to change alone is worth it’s weight in gold.

            So the goal has to be to understand and remove that fear or you may never start with paying clients.

            Hope that makes sense?

              • They are not qualified to judge you, and giving them the power to judge you will cause a conflict within you to be a successful coach. So it won’t happen this way!

                Think about this, they, and you know who they are, believe change takes a long time and guess what it then does.

                As you now know that’s not true, change happens in an instant it’s the feeling safe to change that takes the time.

                A coach’s job is to help their clients understand they are safer changing than staying stuck.

                So are you going to live in fear of others never having the life you wanted just incase they judge you, or are you going to become an amazing coach and prove them wrong.

                What would your mother say? Did she teach you to bow to others, did she teach you that you are less valuable than others.

                Two paths now sit before you. One of fear, one of success which do you choose?

  2. I choose success!! I am as valuable as any other human being! Not more, not less! And I’m going to become an amazing coach! Just as well there’s room in this world for both of us or you’d have to watch out!!

    It’s an exciting journey. Slightly scary and nerve wracking – but in a good way!

    And OK so I was having a wobble!! Thank you for un-wobbling me!

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